What Is a Mom to Mom Sale?
A Mom-to-Mom Sale is essentially a huge
rummage sale where you can buy gently
used and new baby and kids' items directly from
sellers (other moms). Get great deals on second hand
baby clothing, kids' clothing, toys, games,
furniture, gear and products specifically for moms.
rummage sale where you can buy gently
used and new baby and kids' items directly from
sellers (other moms). Get great deals on second hand
baby clothing, kids' clothing, toys, games,
furniture, gear and products specifically for moms.
You can find most Mom to Mom Sales at churches, schools,and community centres !!
Craft sales can be good also offerring hand-made baby items such as hair accessories, tutus, costumes, clothing, toys etc.
Upcoming Mom to Mom Sales in Brantford:
Upcoming Mom to Mom Sales in Hamilton