Friday, February 4, 2011


Before I got pregnant I didn't even know who "Sophie" was...
Then at 4 months pregnant I was walking through an Ottawa mall and I saw at least 3 different children with a giraffe toy in their hands/mouth. Finally, while in a Sears department store, I stopped and asked a mom who had a child with this toy what it was all about. She told me how wonderful  this rubber giraffe toy named "Sophie" was. How I definitely needed one for when my child is going through teething. How it was like crack for babies and that her child couldn't get enough of it. So I went to Toys R Us were they are sold and couldn't believe the price! How could a small rubber toy be 25$ alone. I ended up putting it on my baby registry and recieved it as a baby shower gift, not thinking to highly of it until the very first time I had to use her (which was 2 weeks ago). Ella was sucking on everything in sight, drooling and agitated because of her impending teeth coming in. I gave her Sophie and the rest is history. It is a miracle for me because Ella refuses to take a pacifier. So my review is Sophie may be priced high for a small single use toy, but it works like a charm :)


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